10 Flirty Texts To Make Him Laugh And Put A Smile On His Face

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When you like a guy, you want him to feel the same about you. Incidentally, one of the best ways to win him over is to appeal to his sense of humor. Cracking him up while you’re out on dates is great, but you can still put a smile on his face even when you’re messaging between hangouts. Here are some flirty texts to make him laugh and make him totally nuts about you.

Why should you send flirty texts?

For better or worse, much of our relationships with people take place over text. This is especially true in the beginning of a romantic partnership when you’re not quite a couple and are still feeling each other out. While you might be anxious to just meet up in person and see whether your chemistry is real, you can make the most of your messages before that. Sending him flirty texts to make him laugh and to build sexual chemistry can have an incredible effect on your overall relationship.

Flirty texts can not only increase a guy’s attraction to you, but it shows him you’re interested as well. After all, you might want him to chase you, but you have to put in some effort here. Sending playful messages letting him know you’re thinking about him and that you can’t wait to be with him will boost his ego, build his confidence, and make him worry less about being rebuffed when he makes his move.

Flirty texts to make him laugh

  1. “You were so funny in my dreams last night.” Texting a guy first thing in the morning and telling him that he was in your dreams is a great way to pique his interest and start the day off with a laugh or a smile. It’s also an easy way to throw the ball in his court because you know he’ll be so curious about what you were dreaming of the night before.
  2. “What are your plans for the day? Besides thinking about me?” It’s not wrong to lead with a little confidence and this kind of text will not only make him laugh but let him know that you feel secure in how he feels about you. This could help loosen him up and give him the confidence to start texting you flirty, funny things too.
  3. “How badly do you miss me right now?” Everyone likes to know that they’re missed and when you tell someone that you like that you miss them, it’s not only sending them the signal that you have feelings for them but it’s making them feel cared about and important to you. You don’t know what their day has been like and seeing that you miss them might turn their whole mood around for the better. It feels good to be the catalyst for someone’s joy like that. Sending him a flirty text assuming that he misses you and asking him how much will definitely put a smile on his face.
  4. “Are your legs tired? ‘Cause you’ve been running through my mind all day.” There’s nothing sexier than hearing from someone that you can’t stop thinking about them. There is no one guy or girl who won’t smile after receiving a text like that. It shows how much you like the person and that you’re looking forward to seeing them again. A dorky but sweet pun like this is sure to get a chuckle out of him or at least a little smile.
  5. “I saw the cutest thing today and it reminded me of you.” Another sweet way of flirting through text is to open the door for an anecdote or a story about your day. If you see something or hear something that reminds you of the person you like, let them know! They want to know that they’re on your mind and when you tell them that something cute or funny reminds you of them, it reaffirms your feelings for them.
  6. “Do you know CPR? ‘Cause you just took my breath away.” Cheesy pickup lines definitely have a time and place and they can certainly be overdone but if you’re just starting to get to know someone and you’ve established that the two of you have feelings for each other and are in those beginning stages of flirtiness, feel free to throw some corny lines in there. It’s cute and it’ll make him laugh.
  7. “Come over tonight. I’ve got food, wine, and me. All your favorite things.” Even if you’re not at the point where you’re dating exclusively yet, suggest a one-on-one hangout in a cute and flirty way. Don’t ask him, just tell him to come over to hang out and let whatever happens, happen. If he’s into you, which he definitely is, he’ll gladly accept the invitation and he’ll smile at your boldness.
  8. “When are you taking me out again?” It’s time for you to be assertive, girl! If he hasn’t made the plans for date #2 yet because he’s shy or afraid of what your response is, let him know you’re already looking forward to it but bringing up the subject. By asking him when he’s going to take you out again, you’re giving him assurance that you’re into him, you’re nudging him to make the first move, and also letting him know that he doesn’t have to be afraid to bring it up but you’ll gladly accept an offer for a second date.
  9. Any “Dad Jokes” and puns. If being assertive isn’t your thing or if your relationship hasn’t progressed to the going out stage yet, just have fun and show him your goofy and playful side. Make some silly and corny jokes. If you’re not into the pickup lines, Dad jokes are always a safe bet. Yes, they’re a little silly but your crush will like that! He’ll like that you can let loose and have a good time and it’s a great way to break the ice and eliminate any awkwardness that might be hanging in the air between you two.
  10. Sexual innuendos. So, this one is a little more daring, however, if you’re feeling confident then just go for it! Sexual innuendos aren’t everyone’s thing, but for some relationships, it’s a great icebreaker and a fun way to laugh together. Sure, you need to gauge the situation first. Some people are more conservative than others and some are shyer about those kinds of topics, however, it’ll feel pretty clear from the jump when you need to avoid those kinds of jokes and when they’re perfectly acceptable. Many guys out there laugh at those harmless jokes too but are too afraid to make them for fear of coming off as offensive or disrespectful to you. If you find them funny, go ahead and throw one out there to see how he responds. There’s definitely a more tasteful way to do it where you both can laugh and let loose.