15 Things To Put On Your Relationship Bucket List

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The longer you’re with someone, the more likely things are to get stale and a bit boring. It doesn’t have to be that way! Creating a relationship bucket list with your partner not only helps you keep things exciting, but checking things off the list is all about having new experiences together and boosting your connection. Here are some things to consider adding to your list.

  1. Take an overseas trip to a dream locale. Where’s someplace you always dreamed of visiting but never thought you’d actually get to? Add it to your relationship bucket list and make it a reality. It may take a couple of years to save up for, but so what? Appreciating different sights and cultures together will bring you closer and will be an experience that only you share.
  2. Go see your favorite band(s) live. And lose your voices from singing along to all the songs. Make sure you get general admission tickets — all music is better from the mosh pit. Live music is often such a visceral experience, so enjoying it together can be a deeply connecting experience, not to mention tons of fun.
  3. Take a cooking class together. Then host a dinner party with your friends to show off the new dish you learned to make. There’s nothing sexier than a man who can cook, don’t you think? This also helps increase your teamwork skills, which will help in other areas of your relationship.
  4. Take a dance class together. Then have a date at home where you dress up and dance the night away! Or, take your skills to the club and let the music take you away. What kind of dance you try is up to you. Whether you’re into ballroom or would like to learn some hip hop choreography, don’t be afraid to go for it.
  5. Do a bar crawl (then regret it). Sure, you won’t have anyone to hold your hair back if both of you are wasted, but YOLO! Just make sure you save enough money for a taxi at the end of the night. This is one of those relationship bucket list items that you might check off multiple times. Hey, it might have happened the night you met!
  6. Get a couple’s massage. It’s just as important to wind down together as it is to have adventures. It might take some convincing to get your man into it, but he’ll thank you once he’s laying on that massage table in pure bliss. There’s nothing better than taking a deep breath and enjoying utter relaxation with the one you love.
  7. Win a competition. Because how else will you prove to the world that you’re the best couple ever? Plus, you can always be a little smug about how you’re basically real-life couple goals.
  8. Run a marathon for a cause. This is a great way to do some good and work on your fitness. Working up to this will mean plenty of training, as well, which means you can even be workout buddies leading up to the big race. Of course, running isn’t for everyone — bad knees are a thing! — so feel free to sub in another sport/physical activity that you both enjoy.
  9. Watch each other’s favorite movie. This will ensure that you get it when the other person makes a reference to it. Even if it’s awful, try to make it to the end. This is a relationship bucket list item that’s pretty easy to cross off but that will show you’re committed to showing interest in your partner’s interests. That’s very meaningful!
  10. Go camping. Who doesn’t want to become one with nature… and maybe each other? Plus, s’mores! Bonus points if you put up the tent as a couple — that’ll test anyone’s patience.
  11. Take a cruise. While on board, do every fun excursion possible! Oh, and don’t forget to pack the Dramamine in case one of you gets sea sick. Every time the ship docks, get out and explore what the port cities have to offer. Then, get back on board and have the time of your lives.
  12. Go on a road trip. This will help you get to know your own country better, and each other. Nothing is more of a relationship tester than spending endless hours trapped in a car together on the open road. Don’t forget to bring the snacks with you!
  13. Go paintballing. Hey, it looked so romantic in “10 Things I Hate About You.” And because it’s pretty satisfying to see those splatters of paint on his back when you sneak around the corner and take him out when he’s not looking.
  14. Get photos taken professionally. Sure, you can technically frame a selfie, but come on! This is particularly awesome if it takes the form of custom Christmas cards that feature you in hilarious costumes. Of course, you have to approach this relationship bucket list item with a bit of humor. It’s totally ridiculous, and that’s why it’s great!
  15. Take a bubble bath together. This is a great way to have some sensual alone time. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about — it’s nothing you haven’t seen before (and vice-versa).