8 Signs He’s Getting Sick of You

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If this isn’t the first relationship you’ve been in, you’ve probably seen the signs before. However, you don’t want to jump the gun in case your suspicion that a breakup is on the way is just your PMS talking. However, if this situation seems a little too familiar, you probably need to get real with yourself. If you notice the signs that he’s getting sick of you, it’s time to get real with yourself about what’s really going on.

  1. He ignores your texts. Back in the day, you were totally in sync. Now he reads your texts and doesn’t respond to them for hours — or at all. Unless there’s an emergency, this isn’t a good sign. Yes, sometimes people can be forgetful, but if you’ve already got a weird feeling in your stomach and the text was something that needed an answer (like, “Want to get together tonight?”), this is one of the most obvious signs he’s sick of you.
  2. He cancels plans with you to hang out with other people. If it’s a party, you should have definitely been invited. While your boyfriend should definitely get some solo time with his guy friends every once in a while, he never used to cancel plans with you for them. You’ve never held him back from seeing his boys, but it’s like he’d rather be with them (or anyone else) than you.
  3. He mentions his female coworker a lot more these days. Work crushes sometimes happen, and while they can be absolutely innocent, it’s a bad sign if you feel like you’re hearing more about her than she’s hearing about you. It’s like he’s trying to drop hints that his interest lies elsewhere these days. Don’t ignore this!
  4. He’s picking fights about really silly things. Even the best of couples get into petty fights, but it seems like his fuse has been mega short recently.  When someone wants to get over something quickly, they pick silly arguments to justify the bold move. You’re clearly annoying him whenever you’re together even though you’re not really doing anything wrong. This is one of the most obvious signs he’s getting sick of you.
  5. Your mutual friends are acting kind of strange. Every solid relationship has mutuals. If the friends that you met while you were with him seem kind of cold or just confused, it’s possible that they know something you don’t. It’s getting pretty awkward lately and you wish they’d speak up and let you in on what’s going on.
  6. Your fights have a bottom line. All of his fights with you include threats of breaking up. If you’ve heard a lot of “So what, should we just break up?” recently, he’s probably secretly hoping you say yes to save him the hassle. It’s like he just wants you to pull the trigger so he doesn’t have to feel bad about it.
  7. Dates are getting awkward. When you first met, you had a billion things to talk about. He picked up the bill, and you treated him to ice cream afterward. Now, it seems like there are a bunch of silent moments, which he fills by checking his phone instead of you. Of course, that’s when date night happens at all. More often than not, he doesn’t bother.
  8. He gets super weird about weddings. You’ve been his plus-one for a few weddings and things have been fun. You’ve met his friends, enjoyed the open bar, and danced your ass off to Beyonce songs. The last one has been a bit different. All of a sudden, he seems weirdly bitter, and would rather stay sedentary in his chair instead of joining the conga line. He barely even talks to you all night, which doesn’t bode well.
  9. He outright tells you he’s “sick of this.” He might not say he’s sick of you, but the undertone is definitely there and you can read between the lines. This isn’t just at the top of the list of signs he’s over your relationship, it’s also the biggest sign you need to end things now. There’s someone out there who will value you. He ain’t it.