I’m Not In A Rush To Get Married — I just Want A Decent Relationship

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I’ve been single for quite some time, and all I can say is I’m so sick of these BS games. Modern dating is confusing AF and I’m ready to be done with the game. And while I’m not in a rush to get married and not quite ready to settle down, I do still want a committed relationship. Unfortunately, that makes finding love even harder than usual.

  1. I want to take things slow. Rushing into a relationship, commitment, love and marriage —none of that interests me. I’m still too young to settle down. I still want to be able to live my life and keep my options open. So while I’m done with games and ready to date just one man, I’m not ready to jump all in. All I want is to take things slow. I can’t be all-or-nothing just yet.
  2. I’m trying to protect my heart. I’m not ready to settle down partially because I’m not ready for heartbreak. On the other hand, I’m also sick of dating games messing with my head and my heart. I’m sick of pining for guys who clearly don’t care about me. I want more than casual, but less than serious. At this point, what I really want is something in between dating and a fully committed relationship. Does that even exist?
  3. I might want to get married someday, but not for a long time. I want commitment, but I still want to take baby steps. I want a relationship but I’m not ready to choose someone for a lifetime. I’m not ready for a husband, and I’m not ready for a man to depend on me as his life partner. I can handle being a girlfriend, but I’m not ready to be a wife.
  4. I’m tired of all the uncertainty of the dating scene. I don’t want to wonder if a guy’s going to text me back. I don’t want to be manipulated by players, and I don’t want to fight for men who aren’t really interested. I don’t want to play mind games, using jealousy and ultimatums against men. I’m tired of all the BS of modern dating, but that doesn’t mean I’m done with it just yet — at least not for good.
  5. I want to date just one person. I want to find one man I genuinely like; I’m just not ready for something too serious. I don’t want to play the field, but I’m also not ready to think of a man as my future hubby. I’m sick of dating around. I want to be a one-man kind of girl, but I still don’t want to rush into love.
  6. I’m afraid to fall in love again… but I do want to. I don’t want to be alone forever. At some point, I do want to settle down and find a man I can grow old with. I’m just not at that point yet. I’ve been hurt in the past, but I still want to love again when I’m really ready for it. I know with every fiber of my being that my heart isn’t ready for love, and that’s why I’m not ready to settle down.
  7. I’m over meaningless sex. To be honest, I was never really into meaningless sex. It’s just not something I take lightly. I know I live in a world of hookup culture, but I’m honestly sick of being a part of it. I want sex to actually mean something, but not that we’re going to be together forever. I want meaning, but I can’t handle that kind of pressure.
  8. I’m not ready to make promises that I’m not sure I can keep. Who knows how I’ll feel in a year or five years or even 10 years down the road. I thought I knew what I wanted before, but now I have no clue what I want… or even worse, what I need. I’m not ready to settle down and make promises to a man that I don’t really mean. When I’m finally ready to settle down, I won’t have to look back and wonder if I chose the wrong man.
  9. I’m still in love with my independence. I’m not ready for a man to take that away from me. I don’t want to be defined by my relationship. I don’t want to be another man’s other half. I feel whole on my own. I’m done with playing the field, but I’m not done being on my own. I love depending on myself and I’m not ready to change from life on my own to a shared life together.
  10. I just want someone I can be real with. And I need a man who can also be real with me. I want us to be able to tell each other exactly how we feel and exactly what we want. I’m sick of dancing around the elephant in the room. I want to be open so that we’re always on the same page. I’m done playing games. And while I’m not in a rush to get married, I need a man who can handle that.