Do Guys Notice When You Stop Texting Them?

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Maybe you were into him for a while, but something happened that made you go off him entirely. You decide to cut contact or at least stop making the effort. You don’t know what you’re hoping to gain out of this. Are you over him completely, or do you just want him to step up to the mark? And besides, do guys even notice when you stop texting them?

When you should stop texting him

  1. You’ve caught him in too many lies. You want to be with someone who values honesty and always tells you the truth even when it’s easier to lie. He knows this, but that hasn’t stopped you from catching him in multiple lies, some bigger than others. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t ignore this red flag. Put down your phone and walk away.
  2. He’s seeing someone else behind your back. If you notice that he’s one of those guys who always seems to be texting someone, specifically another woman, stop now. Do not go any further. If he’s seeing someone else but claims you’re the only one in his life, he’s dishonest and will never be faithful.
  3. He’s abusive or toxic. It goes without saying that no one deserves to be in a relationship like this. If you constantly feel belittled, unappreciated, or even abused by a guy, that’s a sign to leave. Stop texting him and stop seeing him altogether. It’s not going to work.
  4. He doesn’t respect you or treat you with courtesy and care. If a relationship doesn’t serve you, you have every right to leave it. If he’s constantly leaving you on read, ignoring your messages, or going days or weeks without speaking despite you reaching out, he doesn’t respect you or your time.
  5. All you get from him is one-word responses. He’s clearly not that interested in talking to you, so don’t waste your breath. Put your phone down and walk away.

Do guys notice when you stop texting them?

Generally speaking, yes. When you’re in regular contact with someone and that suddenly stops, you’re going to pick up on that. However, whether or not your lack of texting actually comes to his attention all depends on what your relationship was like and how things were going.

A guy might notice that you’ve stopped reaching out if…

  1. He was really into you. Guys who feel something for the woman they’re talking to will definitely notice if you stop texting. He liked you and enjoyed getting to know you, but for whatever reason, he wasn’t pulling his weight. In this case, he’ll be pretty bummed when he doesn’t hear from you anymore.
  2. He likes the thrill of the chase. Maybe he was playing games and you were just too available for him. That’s extremely immature, of course, but many guys are like this. If he was into you but really liked being the pursuer, you’ll likely pique his interest again by going radio silent.
  3. He stands to gain something by staying in touch with you. If you’re in some kind of advantageous position that he can take advantage of, he’ll want to keep you around. This means when you go off the map, he automatically wonders where you are and what happened to you. Chances are, he’ll start reaching out himself again soon.
  4. He realizes he hasn’t been pulling his weight. Guys will notice if you stop texting them if you did all the heavy lifting. If the man you were seeing sometimes initiated contact himself, he might not realize you’re not reaching out right away. However, if you were always the one taking care of communication, you can bet your absence will pop up on his radar sooner rather than later.

He probably won’t notice (or care) that you’re no longer texting him if…

shocked young woman texting

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  1. He was never serious about you in the first place. Some guys aren’t into dating for the right reasons. They just want to have fun and get laid and leave it at that. If the guy you were seeing simply viewed your connection as “just hanging out,” he’ll be less hesitant to let you go if you back off.
  2. He’s talking to loads of other women. This sucks to admit to yourself but it’s often true. If you’re not quite at the exclusive stage, chances are he’s still dating other women. In this case, one of them disappearing from his life isn’t going to be the end of the world. There’s always another one where you came from, sadly.
  3. You didn’t talk that much anyway. Maybe you were hookup buddies that only occasionally met up when you had nothing better to do. In this situation, he probably won’t think much when you don’t text him for a while. He’ll assume things just got busy or whatever. In other words, it likely won’t phase him.
  4. He has other stuff going on in his life. This is a definite possibility too. If he has a lot going on in his life, whether at work or at home, he’s probably less focused on his romantic relationships and more focused on trying to sort those things out. In other words, he’ll be too distracted to miss you.

What happens after you stop texting him?

If he does notice that you’re no longer reaching out and he legitimately liked you, a few different things might happen.

  1. He texts you instead. If he likes you (or wants to keep the chase alive), he’s perfectly capable of typing out a message to you first. When guys notice you’ve decided to stop texting them, they might see it as a challenge and decide to up the ante a bit.
  2. He reaches out on social media or calls if he doesn’t get a response. This is for the genuinely interested only. If he texts you and doesn’t hear back, he might try other ways of reaching out to get your attention. He might say he’s “just checking” to make sure you got his message, but he knows you did. He just wants you to answer it.
  3. He decides to be stubborn and doesn’t get in touch out of principle. This is very possible too. Guys can be really pigheaded (just like women), and if his ego’s bruised by you cutting him off, he might stay silent even if he likes you. Looks like you’re at a stalemate.
  4. He loses interest and forgets about you altogether. If he wasn’t all that invested and has other women in his life, this is the likely outcome. Oh well. Good riddance!